Project 383 tone speed changer, Project 384 light echo – Elenco Snap Circuits® Deluxe Sound & Light Combo User Manual
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Project 383
Tone Speed Changer
Set the 500kW adjustable resistor (RV3) to mid-range, turn OFF the
left slide switch (S1), and then turn on the right slide switch. Now
turn on the left slide switch, you hear a beep signaling that you are
recording. Wait for the second beep (about 10 seconds), which
signals that recording is finished. Push the press switch (S2) to play
back the recording, and turn the knob on RV3 to change the
playback speed. You can play your recording faster or slower by
changing the setting on RV3.
Recording time is 6 seconds at normal speed, but this can be
changed depending on the setting of RV3 when you are making the
recording. You won’t hear the tone when it is being recorded; you
only hear it during playback.
Replace the 5.1kW resistor (R3) with the 100W resistor (R1), 100kW
resistor (R5), or photoresistor (RP) to vary the frequency of the tone
being recorded.
Project 384
Light Echo
Turn on the slide switch (S1), and push the press switch (S2). The red
LED (D1) is on while S2 is pressed, and the white LED (D6) flashes.
The adjustable resistor (RV) controls how long the white LED flashes
for, controlling the “echo” of the light.
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