Sound energy demonstration container assembly, Part b: optical version – Elenco Snap Circuits® Deluxe Sound & Light Combo User Manual

Page 100

background image



Flexible sheet

Container base


Sound Energy Demonstration

Container Assembly

(Adult supervision recommended)

Pour salt, glitter, or small

foam/candy balls into the

container, but do not cover

the bottom.

Lay the speaker on the extra 3-snap and 6-snap

wires, to elevate it. Be sure speaker lays flat.

Part B: Optical Version

Modify the circuit to be this one, which has the

photoresistor (RP) instead of the adjustable

resistor (RV).
Turn on both slide switches and wave your hand

over the photoresistor (RP), to change how much

light shines into it. The sound changes as your

hand adjusts the light. At some hand positions the

salt/glitter/balls will vibrate and bounce or dance

around in the container; find the hand position that

gives the best effects. Press some keyboard keys

to combine their sounds with the photoresistor

sound. Try moving to an area with more or less

light, and wave your hand over the photoresistor

Don’t eat anything you placed into the sound

energy demonstration container.

How does this work? There is a small range of

frequency at which the sound waves resonate





characteristics of the speaker, and cause the

speaker to vibrate noticeably. The speaker’s

vibration creates changes in air pressure. The

sound energy demonstration container covers

the speaker and traps the air pressure

changes, which then push/pull the flexible

sheet up/down quickly, making the

salt/glitter/balls bounce. Raising the speaker

and container by placing them on the snap

wires (or holding them) makes the vibrations

more noticeable, because otherwise the table

can dampen the vibrations.

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