Press echo project 299 photo echo, Project 300 loud press photo echo, Project 298 – Elenco Snap Circuits® Deluxe Sound & Light Combo User Manual

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Project 301

Knob Echo

Project 297

Super Voice Echo with Light

Project 298

Press Echo

Project 299

Photo Echo

Build the circuit as shown,

turn on the slide switch (S1),

and turn the knob on the

500kW adjustable resistor

(RV3). You hear clicking in the

speaker (SP2), and the color

LED (D8) flashes. Adjust the

amount of echo using the

lever on the adjustable

resistor (RV). Try this at

different RV settings.
If you remove the speaker

(SP2) from the circuit then the

color LED (D8) will be a little

brighter, because the echo IC

(U28) isn’t trying to control the

speaker at the same time.

Use the preceding circuit, but

replace the microphone (X1)

with the press switch (S2).

Set RV3 to max volume (turn

it to the left). Press S2 to see

light on the color LED (D8),

and hear a clicking sound

from the speaker (SP2).

Build the circuit as shown, and turn on

the slide switch (S1). Talk into the

microphone, and listen the echo on the

speaker, and see it on the color LED

(D8). Set the sound volume using the

knob on the 500kW adjustable resistor

(RV3). Adjust the amount of echo using

the lever on the adjustable resistor

Note: There will only be sound if RV3

is set towards the left (most of its range

will have no sound). Also, at the loudest

RV3 setting the circuit may oscillate

and make a whining sound; just set the

RV3 volume a little lower to stop it.

Use the preceding circuit, but replace the press

switch (S2) with the photoresistor (RP), Adjust

the amount of light shining on the photoresistor

to change the sound and light.

Use the circuit from project 298 (with S2) or 299

(with RP), but replace RV3 with a 3-snap wire. The

sound will be louder but the light will be dimmer.

Project 300

Loud Press

Photo Echo

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