Elenco Snap Circuits® Deluxe Sound & Light Combo User Manual
Page 43
Project 28
Triple Strobe Light
Project 30
Noisy Triple Strober
Project 31
Triple Light Noisy
Motion Strober
Project 29
Noisy Double
Strobe Light
Moving parts. Do not
touch the fan or motor during operation.
Build this circuit and turn on the slide
switch (S1). Adjust the blink rate using
the lever on the adjustable resistor
(RV), and by pushing the press switch
Note: In rare cases the circuit may
not work at all settings on RV. If this
happens, move the RV lever to the
side near the strobe IC, turn the slide
switch off and on to reset the circuit,
and only move the RV lever over a
small range.
Use the preceding circuit but replace one
of the LEDs (D1, D6, or D8) with the
speaker (SP).
Build this circuit and turn on the
slide switch (S1). Adjust the blink
rate and sound using the lever on
the adjustable resistor (RV), and by
pushing the press switch (S2).
Note: In rare cases the circuit may
not work at all settings on RV. If this
happens, move the RV lever to the
side near the strobe IC, turn the
slide switch off and on to reset the
circuit, and only move the RV lever
over a small range.
Use the preceding circuit but replace the
speaker (SP) with the motor (M1, “+” toward
white LED), then place the speaker across
the points marked A & B in the drawing. Do
not place any fan on the motor.
The LEDs (D1, D6, & D8) flash, the speaker
makes noise, and the motor shaft spins or
wiggles. Adjust the blink rate, sound, and
motor spin using the lever on the adjustable
resistor (RV), and by pushing the press
switch (S2).
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