Project 216, Keyboard echo with stereo effects – Elenco Snap Circuits® Deluxe Sound & Light Combo User Manual

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In this project you will listen to the keyboard sound both with

and without echo, at the same time (in stereo). This project

requires stereo headphones or a stereo speaker; neither is

included with this set, but this set does include a stereo

cable to help connect to your stereo speaker.
Build the circuit as shown; note that the 5.1kW resistor (R3)

is a tight fit over the adjustable resistor (RV) but does fit.

Connect your own headphones or stereo speaker to the

audio jack (JA). Turn on the slide switch (S1).
Press keys on the keyboard (U26), and listen to the sound

on your headphones or stereo speaker. One ear (or side of

the speaker) hears the keyboard directly, set RV3 for most

comfortable sound level (turn to the left for higher volume,

most of RV3’s range will be very low volume). The other ear

(or side of the speaker) hears the sound with echo; adjust

the amount of echo using the lever on the adjustable resistor

(RV). Try this at different RV settings, because the effects

are very interesting with both high and low echo amounts.
If the echo sound is not loud enough then add the 1mF

capacitor (C7) next the echo IC (U28) as shown here:

For best effects, try to set RV3 so that the sound level is

about equal on both sides of the headphones/speaker.

Headphones or Stereo

Speaker (not included)


Headphones performance varies, so use caution. Start with

low volume, then carefully increase to a comfortable level. Permanent

hearing loss may result from long-term exposure to sound at high volumes.


Project 216

The 100W and 5.1kW resistors (R1 &

R3) make the keyboard signal smaller,

otherwise it would be distorted by the

amplifier in the echo IC.

Keyboard Echo with

Stereo Effects

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