Show username, Show vlan, Show vlan (layer 3) – Avaya P460 User Manual

Page 190: Show username show vlan show vlan (layer 3)

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Chapter 2

Avaya P460 CLI Commands


Avaya P460 Reference Guide

show username

User level: admin.
Use the show username command to display the local user accounts.

The syntax for this command is:

show username


show vlan

User level: read-only, read-write, admin.
Use the show vlan command to display the VLANs configured in the switch.

The syntax for this command is:

show vlan


show vlan (Layer 3)

User level: read-only, read-write, admin.
Use the show vlan command to display router Layer 2 interfaces.

P460-1(super)# show username

User account password access-type

------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------

root ***** admin

gkohll ***** read-only

readwrite ***** read-write

P460-1> show vlan

VLAN ID Vlan-name

------- --------------------------------

1 v1

5 V5

10 V10

15 V15

20 V20

25 V25