Show environment fans, Show environment power, Show environment fans show environment power – Avaya P460 User Manual
Page 138
Chapter 2
Avaya P460 CLI Commands
Avaya P460 Reference Guide
The syntax for this command is:
show dynamic vlans
show environment fans
User level: read-only, read-write, admin.
Use the show environment fans command to display the current fans status
for the switch.
The syntax for this command is:
show environment fans
show environment power
User level: read-only, read-write, admin.
Use the show environment power command to display the current power
configuration for the switch, the total power available to the system, and amount of
power currently in use.
L The “total power drawn from the system” includes two supervisor modules and
the fan module, irrespective of the number of supervisor modules installed.
L The “Demands” column shows the demand for an I/O module whether its slot
is enabled or not.
Router-1> show dynamic vlans
---------------- ------- -----------------
Default 1 02:e0:3b:1d:f9:01
P460-1> show environment fans
Mode: regular
Total working fans: 9
• Boost
• Regular
Total working fans
• 9
• 8
• less than 8
Fans not installed
• No fan tray installed