Test 6- do a fixed excitation test, Test 7- check wires 1 and 4, Test 8- check rotor – Generac 86640 User Manual

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Test 3- Check Load Watts and Amperes


NOTE; The best way to check load wattage and amperage
la to use a load bank. A load bank will allow the operator
to apply a known wattage/amperage load to the generator
and win permit voltage, frequency and amperage to be
read directly from the load bank.


1. If the generator Is overloaded, reduce the load to the unit’s

rated capacity.

a. If voltage and frequency are excessively low at the unit’s
rated capacity or less, go on to Test 4.
b. If voltage and frequency are acceptable at the unit’s

rated capacity, discontinue tests.

2. If the load Is within the unit’s rated capacity, but load
voltage and frequency are excessively low, go on to Test 4.

Test 4- Check Engine Power


If excessive rpm and frequency droop occurs when

electrical loads are applied, the engine may be underpowered
due to a malfunction.


Check the engine for (a) adequate air flow, (b) clogged

air cleaner, (c) incorrect timing, (d) mechanical failure, etc.


1. If engine problems are found, repair the engine as neces­

2. If engine checks good, go on to Test 5.

Test 5- Check & Adjust Engine Governor


If engine speed (and frequency) droop excessively under

load, the engine governor may require adjustment



Governor adjustment procedures for both the mechanical and
electronic type governors can be found in Part 7.


1. It, after governor adjustment, voltage and frequency output

at no-load and under load are good, discontinue tests.
2. If, after governor adjustment, frequency Is good, but volt­
age is excessively low, go on to Test 6.

Test 6- Do a Fixed Excitation Test




’TEST" on Page 1.4-2.


1. If voltage is excessively low, go to Test 7.

2. If about 1/2 rated volts is indicated, go to Test 12.

Test 7- Check Wires 1 and 4


the fixed or constant excitation test (Test 6) consisted

of applying battery direct current to the Rotor windings (12
volts DC). With the normal excitation circuit disconnected,
application of battery current should result In approximately
one-half rated voltage output (about 60-80 volts AC).

If batteiy current is applied and AC output voltage te

excessively low, a problem exists in Wires 1 and 4 from the
Regulator, or the brushes and slip rings, or the Rotor or stator

If the application of battery current results in an AC output

of about one-half rated volts, but AC output voltage is low
during normal operation, a problem exists in the stator exci­
tation (DPE) windings, in the excitation circuit between the
stator DPE windings and the Regulator, or in the Regulator


1. Visually inspect Wires 1 and 4, between the Voltage
Regulator and the brushes.

2. Use a VOM to test Wire 1 (between the brushes and

Regulator) for continuity.
3. Check Wire 4 (between the brushes and Regulator) for

4. Check that Wires No. 1 and 4 are properly connected at
the Regulator and at the brushes.


1. Repair, replace or reconnect wires 1 and 4 as necessary.

2. If Wires 1 and 4 are good, go to Test 8.

Test 8- Check Rotor


Problems will be encountered if the Rotor Is (a) open, (b)

shorted, or (c) grounded. This test will determine If any of
these problems exist in the Rotor.


1. If Rotor Is installed, remove the bearing carrier cover to

gain access to the Rotor brushes and slip rings.
2. Disconnedct Wires 1 and 4 from the brushes, to prevent
3. Connect the positive test lead of an ohmmeter to the
positive slip ring, the common test lead to the negative slip

ring. The positive slip ring Is the one nearest the Rotor bearing
(see Figure 28). The meter should indicate the resistance of

the Rotor windings, approximately 8.5 ohms (plus or minus

10%) for both 8 and 10 kW models.

4. Set a VOM to a very high resistance scale, such as
■Rxl 0,000" or "RxlK". Zero the meter. Connect the positive
VOM test lead to the positive slip ring. Connect the negative
VOM test lead to a clean frame ground, such as the Rotor
shaft. The meter should read "infinity".


1. In Step 3, a very high resistance or "infinity" Indicates an

open or partially open condition. Replace the Rotor.

2. In Step 3, a very low resistance indicates a shorted or
groundea condition. Replace the Rotor.
3. In Step 4, any reading other than "infinity" Indicates a
groundea condition. Replace the Rotor.
4. If all Rotor readings are good, go to Test 9.

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