Importing records, Importing blackberry contacts to salesforce – Blackberry Classic User Manual
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Importing Records
The integration between Salesforce Classic and your BlackBerry smartphone makes it possible to import records from BlackBerry
applications to Salesforce.
Importing BlackBerry Contacts to Salesforce
Importing BlackBerry Events to the Salesforce Calendar
Importing Emails from the BlackBerry Email Application
Importing Calls from the BlackBerry Call Log
Importing BlackBerry Contacts to Salesforce
Items in your BlackBerry address book are imported into Salesforce as contacts. To import a BlackBerry contact:
1. Open the BlackBerry address book on your device.
2. Highlight a BlackBerry contact.
3. Open the menu and select Import to Salesforce.
Salesforce Classic opens the New Contact page and imports some of the information from the BlackBerry address book. The following
fields are automatically mapped to Salesforce:
Mobile Phone
Assistant Phone
Email Address
Account Name
Mailing Address
4. Click Save.
Salesforce Classic sends the new contact record to Salesforce. It is marked as a temporary record, and you cannot edit the new record
until Salesforce Classic receives acknowledgement that it was accepted by Salesforce.
Importing BlackBerry Events to the Salesforce Calendar
From Salesforce Classic, you can import your BlackBerry events to the Salesforce calendar. To import BlackBerry events:
1. Open the BlackBerry calendar.
2. Open or highlight an event, open the menu, and select Import to Salesforce. If Salesforce Classic is not currently open, selecting
the Import to Salesforce option launches it.
The following BlackBerry event fields are automatically mapped to the Salesforce event:
Importing Records
Working with Records