Juniper Systems LandMark CE User Manual
Page 75
LandMark CE User’s Manual 75
double &markdeg_lat,
Decimal degree without the
double &markdeg_lon,
Decimal degree without the
int &markilat,
Integer part of the latitude for
Degree minute
int &markilon,
Integer part of the longitude for
Degree minute
double &markmin_lat,
The minute part of the Degree
double &markmin_lon,
The minute part of the Degree
int &markiminlat,
The minute part of the Degree
Minute Second
int &markiminlon,
The minute part of the Degree
Minute Second
double &marksec_lat,
The seconds part of the Degree
Minute Second
double &marksec_lon,
The seconds part of the Degree
Minute Second
char mark_UTMZone[]
The UTM Zone
double &mark_northing
The UTM northing
double &mark_easting
The UTM easting
double &markpdop,
GPS data
double &markehe
GPS error in meters
double &mark_ehe_ft,
GPS errors in feet
int &mark_pts,
GPS mark points
SYSTEMTIME &mark_systm,
GPS mark system
double &mark_ofst_dir,
Mark offset point direction
double &mark_ofst_dist,
Mark offset point distance
double &mark_ofst_dist_ft,
Mark offset point distance in
double &mark_ofst_slope,
Mark offset point slope
char MapDatumID[]
Map datum