Mark gps — pulled – Juniper Systems LandMark CE User Manual
Page 74
74 LandMark CE User’s Manual
int &maskiminlat,
The minute part of the Degree
Minute Second
int &maskiminlon,
The minute part of the Degree
Minute Second
double &masksec_lat,
The seconds part of the Degree
Minute Second
double &masksec_lon,
The seconds part of the Degree
Minute Second
char mask_UTMZone[]
The UTM Zone
int arr_size,
The length of the UTM Zone array
double &mask_northing
UTM northing
double &mask_easting
UTM easting
double &mask_pdop,
PDOP reading
double &mask_ehe,
EHE reading
double &mask_ehe_ft,
EHE reading in feet
int &mask-quality,
Quality reading
short &mask_msg);
If GPS was fi ltered, this indicates the
Mark GPS — Pulled
The mark function relies on the mark waypoint data generated by
LandMark CE. The GPS point is pulled after marking a point in
LandMark CE and using the Export button on the Mark Point screen.
If this function is called before marking a point, it returns with an
error. The data obtained from these functions is the same as the
data exchange fi le. The pulled version returns immediately with the
requested data.
Argument for Function
Functions Affected
DWORD &mark_tic
Unique Data ID
double &mark_alt,
Elevation in meters
double &mark_alt_ft,
Elevation in feet
double &mark_lat,
Latitude in decimal degrees
double &mark_lon,
Longitude in decimal degrees
char &mark_lathem,
Hemisphere either N or S
char &marklonhem,
Hemisphere either E or W