Juniper Systems LandMark CE User Manual
Page 38
38 LandMark CE User’s Manual
If using a GPSPOD with a Trimble Lassen LP receiver, complete the
following steps, otherwise skip to step 6 and proceed:
Note: Steps 1 - 5 only apply when using the built in GPS pod for the
Allegro through COM 3. The Holux 211 receiver is completely external,
or any Bluetooth, and only the settings in the Confi g screen need to be
properly set.
Exit out of LandMark CE.
Tap on the Start button and navigate through Programs | Utilities
| GPS Pod Setup.
Tap on the Get Settings button when the GPS Receiver Port Settings
screen appears and wait for the readings to appear.
Note: Make sure you select GGA, GSA, VTG, and GSV as the
minimum number of NMEA packets to use with LandMark CE.
Confi rm you are using the NMEA setting in the GPS Data Format
section and write down the baud rate.
Tap on the Apply Settings button if you made any changes and
tap on the X in the top right corner to exit the GPS Receiver Port
Settings screen.
Note: If new settings are not shown after they are applied, repeat the
process until changes are shown as updated.
Go to the GPS tab of the Confi guration screen and enter the correct
Note: If the Com Port Error message appears, tap in the box next to the
Don’t display this message again during this session message so a check
mark appears and tap on the OK button before checking your Allegro for the
set baud rate.