Juniper Systems LandMark CE User Manual

Page 66

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66 LandMark CE User’s Manual

Error message:

Datum not defi ned. Using WGS84 (Default Datum).

You can change the Datum in the lm.ini fi le outside of Landmark
CE (i.e. a third party application). When Landmark CE starts up, it
checks if the lm.ini datum value is valid. The error message appears
for one of the following reasons:

The current datum used is the default WGS84.

When any of the three datum fi les are corrupt.

Fix the problem by fi xing the lm.ini fi le, doing a soft reset, or
reinstalling LandMark CE.

Error message:

Cannot change this option through the application. Please
read the manual for details.

When you try this to check the Ini File Write Protected box from the
File tab, this error message appears for the following reason:

The Ini File Write Protected box must be checked by a programmer
in the ini fi le source code.

See the Programming chapter for more information.

Error message:

Please make sure at least one of the following data items
is selected for the keyboard wedge to function (latitude,
longitude, or elevation).

The keyboard wedge sends specifi ed data to another application.
This message appears for the following reason:

Latitude, longitude, or elevation have not been selected in the
confi guration screen.

You must have at least one of these items selected, otherwise the
wedge key can be deactivated on the Data tab of Confi guration screen.

LandMark CE Navigation Screen Error Messages

The following are the error messages and suggested fi x for those
messages that may occur when using the LandMark CE Navigation



