Juniper Systems LandMark CE User Manual

Page 40

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40 LandMark CE User’s Manual

When the Export button is tapped in the Mark Point screen, your
last active application opens automatically. Press Enter or type a
command to read the modifi ed dtex.txt fi le and obtain the GPS data.
(See the Mark Key section later in this chapter for further details on
Mark Point screen.)

Ini File Write Protected

The Ini File Write Protected box indicates whether a general fi eld user
can change confi guration settings when checked. This option ensures
that all data being collected are always the same format, regardless
of which user is operating LandMark CE. To check the box and lock
the confi gured settings, see the Programmer’s chapter.

Data Tab

Once the data are calculated in the specifi ed format, Data tab options
determine how they are sent to their fi nal locations, through Data
Exchange, Memory Exchange,
or Keyboard Wedge.

Mark Point Options

Point Averaging, Number of Points, and Data Exchange File all apply to
the Mark Point screen. The Mark Point screen pops up when the Mark
Hot Key
is pressed. (See HotKeys tab to set up the Mark Hot Key.)

Point Averaging

Checking Point Averaging activates the point averaging function; if
this option is left unchecked, no averaging occurs when marking a
waypoint. Typically new GPS points are received once per second
from the GPS receiver. The GPS receiver calculates a new average
about once per second.