Install aileron servo – Great Planes F-14 60 Kit - GPMA0435 User Manual

Page 44

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0 2. Check the length of your ailerons against the

actual aileron o p e n i n g s and trim the ailerons as
necessary. You should provide approximately 1/16" gap
at each end of the ailerons.

D 3. Lay the ailerons in place in the openings, with
the torque rods resting on top of the ailerons. Mark the

torque rod locations on the top of the ailerons. Mark
the inside end of each aileron with an "L" for the left one
and an "R" for the right one.

D 8. Sand the leading edge of the ailerons to the same

"V"-shape as shown on the wing rib detail drawing.
Round off the sharp comers on the top and bottom of the
aileron as show.

D 9. Insert the hinges into the slots and trial fit the

ailerons in place on the wing. Do not glue the hinges
until after you have covered the wing.
Sand the inside,
TE corner of each aileron at an angle to match up with
the center TE as shown on the plans.


D 4. Drill a 1/8" hole in the ailerons at the torque rod

locations, starting at the leading edge centerline and
drilling straight in to the proper depth.


D 5. Use a sharpened 1/8" diameter brass tube to cut

a groove in the leading edge of the ailerons to accept
the torque rods. Trial fit the ailerons onto the torque rods
and cut or file the groove as necessary until they fit.

D 6. Lay the ailerons on the plan and mark the hinge

locations on the ailerons. Place the ailerons against the
wing TE and transfer the marks over to the wing.

D 7. Cut the hinge slots in the ailerons and wing TE

using an X-acto knife, following the procedure and
cautions on page 9.

D 1. Cut the sheeting away for the aileron servo

between the Wl ribs and behind the main spars on the
bottom of the wing.
The opening should extend to the
back of the rear servo rail you installed earlier. Test fit
your servo in place on the rails and cut out the top wing
sheeting if needed to allow the servo to sit on the rails.
CAUTION: Do not cut into any wing spars!

D 2. Use the aileron servo to determine where to

drill the mounting holes. Drill the holes with a 1/16"
diameter bit and mount the servo u s i n g the screws
provided with your radio. Remove the servo and put a

drop of thin CA on each mounting hole in the rails and
allow the glue to cure. Remount the servo and install a
large "X" type servo horn.