Build the wing turtle deck – Great Planes F-14 60 Kit - GPMA0435 User Manual

Page 39

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stick. Press the blind nuts into the holes in the wing
from the top. Replace the wing on the fuse and use the

1/4-20 nylon bolts (NYLON 13) to screw the wing into

place. Hold
the b l i n d

n u t s w i t h

your fingers
to keep them
from turning, but do not over-tighten the bolts at this
point. If the front hole ends up too far forward to fit the
blind nut in, just cut or grind the blind nut until it fits.


D 1. Install the wing on the fuse using the wing bolts

and check the fit of the wing in the wing saddle. If it
does not seat well, remove the wing and sand the saddle
slightly to improve the fit. When satisfied with the fit of

the wing in the saddle, replace the wing on the fuse.

D 7. Use thick CA to tack glue the blind nuts into

place (be careful not to glue the bolts in). Remove the
wing bolts and securely glue the blind nuts in place.
Force the glue under the flange of the blind nuts and

allow it to build up a flat surface for the blind nut to seat

D 2. With the wing bolted in place, test fit the die-cut

1/8" balsa T-1 (F146F01) and the die-cut 3/32" balsa T-4

(F146F31) in place against formers F-2 and F-4
respectively. They should match up with the formers
minus a 3/32" offset so when the 3/32" balsa wing turtle

D 8. Replace the wing using the nylon bolts and turn

the plane upside down. Insert the 1/2" diameter paper
(PTUBE001) in the front hole and push it down
over the head of the nylon bolt and against the wing bolt
block. Carefully glue it to the fuse bottom with thick
CA. Be careful to only use a drop or two of CA so it
doesn't drip down and glue the bolt in place.
Cut off
the excess tube with a razor saw and do the same for the
rear hole. Remove the bolts from the wing and add a
little thick CA around the tubes to glue them to the wing
bolt blocks. Sand the tubes flush with the bottom of the
fuse and then soak the tubes with several drops of thin

deck is added, it w i l l blend in with the front and rear

sheeting. Due to the b u i l d i n g and m a n u f a c t u r i n g
tolerances, it is not unusual to have to sand these parts to
achieve the correct offset. When satisfied with their fit,

glue them in place approx. 1/32" away from the formers.
Use glue sparingly to avoid gluing the wing to the fuse.

D 3. Measure back from T-1 approx. 3-3/4" and draw

a line parallel to T-1. Measure 4" back from the line
you just drew and draw another parallel line. Now draw
a line from the center of F-2 to the center of F-4.
Measure the bottom of the d i e - c u t 1/8" balsa T-2
(F146F01) and the die-cut 3/32" balsa T-3 (F146F31)