These measurements must be equal – Great Planes F-14 60 Kit - GPMA0435 User Manual

Page 38

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hold your finger there on the string. Swing the string
over to the other tip and compare the measurement.
Adjust the wing if necessary and repeat this again until
the measurements are equal. When they are equal, make
a mark on the wing and the fuse so you can tell when
they are aligned. Put a couple strips of masking tape
along the center TE and the turbine tops. Also wrap a
strip of tape along the top of each strake and down onto
the inlets to help hold the wing in place.

These measurements

must be equal!

wing bolt blocks in the fuse. Drill the holes all the way
through the wing bolt plates and the top surface of the
wing. IMPORTANT - Do not allow the wing to move
while drilling!

D 5. Remove the wing and re-drill the holes in the

wing only to 5/16". Enlarge the front hole in the bottom
wing sheeting only to approx. 1/2" diameter so the
sheeting doesn't get banged up when inserting the bolts.
Also remove about a square inch of sheeting around the
bolt hole on the top surface of the wing so you can work
there in the next step.

D 3. Securely glue the 1/16" x 1-1/4" x 3" ply rear

wing bolt plate (F146W19) in place with thick CA. It
should be centered in relation to F-4, and the back edge
of the wing bolt plate should be about 1/16" in front of
F-4. Be careful not to glue the wing to the fuse!

D 4. Check the alignment of the wing one more time

to be sure and t h e n c a r e f u l l y t u r n the plane over.
Holding the wing firmly in place, drill a 1/4" hole in the
center of each die-cut hole in the fuse bottom. Hold the
fuselage level and keep the drill perpendicular to the

D 6. Use a pair

of wire cutters to
cut off the three
"teeth" on the two
1/4" blind nuts
( N U T S 0 2 0 ) .
You can bend the teeth even with the flange if
you don't want to cut them off. If you have a 1/4-20 tap,
run it through the blind nut a couple of times from the
un-flanged end to clean up the threads. Roughen the
flange of the blind nuts with sandpaper to help the glue