Fit the wing to the fuse – Great Planes F-14 60 Kit - GPMA0435 User Manual
Page 37

side. Cut two strips of 1/8" balsa approx. 3/8" wide and
2-7/8" long (from scrap around the die-cut sheets). Glue
these strips underneath the front edge of each turbine
top to reinforce them.
5/64". Write on the front bottom of each hatch cover
whether it is the right or left cover so you can keep them
D 6. Use a s a n d i n g block w i t h m e d i u m grit
sandpaper to sand the edges of the turbine tops and outer
sides flush with the formers. Glue the two top 1/4" x
1-3/8" x 27" balsa turbine corners (F146F21) in place
just as you did the bottom comers earlier.
Be careful to keep the turbine top flat around the hatch
area. The thin area around the hatch cut out will tend to
bend down when you're sanding and it w i l l not get
sanded correctly. Then when you apply the turbine
comer, it will be pushed down slightly and the hatch will
not line up with it. Rough sand the comers to the cross
sections shown on the plans.
D 8. Put a drop of thin CA on each hatch cover hole
and allow it to soak in and cure. Carefully countersink
each hole so the flat head screws will be flush with the
top surface of the hatch cover. Test fit
the hatch covers using the #2 x 3/8" flat
head sheet metal screws (SCRW069)
D 7. Set the hatch covers in place in the hatch
openings and check their fit. They need to have a 1/32"
gap on all four sides to allow for the covering. Sand
them if needed to get the correct fit. When satisfied with
their fit, tape them in place to keep them from moving
and drill 1/16" holes at each punch mark. Remove the
hatch covers and enlarge the holes in the hatch only to
D 1. Gently sand the wing saddle smooth and then
set the wing in place with the top up. Check the fit of
the wing strakes around the fuselage. They should fit
very close with no more than 1/32" of gap on both sides.
Fill in any voids with either balsa or wood filler.
D 2. Use a T-pin and a piece of string to check the
alignment of the wing. Stick the T-pin in the middle of
the tail and loop the string around the pin. Pull the string
over to the joint formed between W 11 and the spar and