Great Planes F-14 60 Kit - GPMA0435 User Manual
Page 4

3. You must use a proper R/C radio that is in first class
c o n d i t i o n and meets the c u r r e n t A M A and FCC
requirements and the requirements of your local flying
club, the correct sized engine and correct components
(fuel tank, wheels, etc )
4. You m u s t properly install all R/C and other
components so that the model operates properly on the
ground and in the air
5. You must test the operation of the model before the
first and each successive flight to insure that all equipment
is operating Also you must make certain that the model
has remained structurally sound
6. You must fly the model only with the competent
help of a well experienced R/C pilot if you are not already
an experienced and knowledgeable R/C pilot.
Note We, as the kit manufacturer, can provide you with a
top quality kit and great instructions, but ultimately the
quality and flyability of your finished model depends on
how you b u i l d it, therefore, we cannot in any way
guarantee the performance of your completed model, and
no representations are expressed or implied as to the
performance or safety of your completed model
Remember: Take your time and follow
directions to end up with a well-built model that
is straight and true.
D Four-channel radio with 4 or 5 servos (additional channel
and retract servo required if retracts are being used)
D Propellers (see engine instructions for recommended
sizes) Top Flite® "Power Props" recommended.
D 2-1/4" Spinner (Hobbico 2-1/4" Jet spinner #HCAQ3750
D Fuel Tank (GPMQ4104)
D 5/32" Wheel Collars (GPMQ4306)
D Iron-on Covering Material (Top Flite Super MonoKote®
gray, black and cub yellow recommended)
D Fuelproof Paint for Tail Cones, and possibly for trim
Note Chevron "Perfect Paint" matches Top Flite Super
MonoKote, and is available in spray cans.
D 36" Throttle Pushrod (GPMQ3710)
D Silicone Fuel Tubing (GPMQ4131)
D 1/16" thick Wing Seating Tape (GPMQ4422) or silicone
sealer see instructions
D Latex Foam Rubber Padding (HCAQ 1000)
D 2 Plastic Pilots Williams Bros Military 1-1/2" Scale #171
D Wheels (see page 5)
D Hobbico Low-Profile Retracts (HCAP4000)
D #2 X 3/8" Socket Head Screws (GPMQ3120)
D Dubro #103 Strip Aileron Horn (DUBQ1780)
D Nose Gear Retract Pushrod (A Sullivan red outer
guide tube and a 34" threaded rod works well for this)
D Three 3/32" Wheel Collars (GPMQ4302)
D Screw-Lock Pushrod Connector (GPMQ3870)
D 2-56 Metal Clevises (GPMQ3790)
D 2 oz Thin CA Adhesive (GPMR6003)
D 2 oz Medium or Thick CA Adhesive (GPMR6009)
D 2 5 oz Epoxy (GPMR6047)
D Silicone Adhesive
D 7/64 Ball Driver (GPMR8003)
D 440Tap(GPMR8101)
D Hand or Electric Drill
D Drill Bits 1/16", 5/64", 7/64", 1/8", 5/32", 3/16",
13/64", 1/4" and 5/16"
D Sealing Iron and Heat Gun (Hobbico or Top Flite
D Hobby Saw (X-acto Razor Saw)
D X-acto Knife, #11 Blades
D Pliers
D Screw Drivers
D T-Pins (HCAR5200)
D Straightedge
D Masking Tape (Required for construction)
D Sandpaper (coarse, medium, fine grit)*
D T-Bar Sanding Block (or similar)
D Waxed Paper
D Lightweight Balsa Filler
D Vaseline Petroleum Jelly
D Isopropyi Rubbing Alcohol (70%)
D 3M "77" Spray Adhesive (optional)
D Dremel Moto Tool or similar (optional)
D 5/64 and 2mm Ball Driver (for Hobbico Retracts)
*NOTE: On our workbench, we have four 11" T-Bar
sanders, equipped with #50, #80, #100 and #150-grit
sandpaper. This setup is a l l that is required for
almost any sanding task. We also keep some #320-
grit wet-or-dry sandpaper handy for finish sanding
before covering.