6 bldg ref temp, 7 remote signal, 8 offset enable – AERCO Control System (ACS) User Manual

Page 52: 9 offset menu options, 10 setting up an offset schedule, Bldg ref temp, Remote signal, Offset enable, Offset menu options, Setting up an offset schedule

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AERCO Control System (ACS)

AERCO International, Inc. • 100 Oritani Dr. • Blauvelt, New York 10913 • Phone: 800-526-0288

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual


the calculation method described in Appendix D must be used.


The BLDG REF TEMP menu option is only displayed when the HEADER SET MODE is set to

OUTDOOR RESET. This option is used to set the Building Reference Temperature (BLDG REF

TEMP) to the desired value from 40°F to 220°F. (Default = 70°F).


The REMOTE SIGNAL menu option is only displayed when the HEADER SET MODE is set to

REMOTE SETPT. When displayed, this option is used to select the controlling remote signal: to

4 – 20 mA or MODBUS. (Default = 4-20 mA).


The OFFSET ENABLE menu option


s used to turn ON, or turn OFF the Setpoint Temperature

Offset feature. (Default = OFF)

3.8.9 Offset Menu Options

The Field Adjust Menu contains a series of menu options which permit an offset schedule to be

set up for a 7-day period (Sunday through Saturday). For each day (Sunday – Saturday), these

options include:

OFFS TEMP [Setpoint Offset Temperature (-50°F to +50°F)]
ON HOUR (00 to 23)
ON MINUTE (00 to 59)
OFF HOUR (00 to 23)
OFF MINUTE (00 to 59)

Normally, if an Offset Schedule is used, it is controlled automatically using the set-up

procedures described in the paragraph titled “Setting Up An Offset Reset Schedule” However, if

desired, the header offset can be controlled manually by connecting a switch across the SET

BACK wiring terminals 13 and 14 as shown in the wiring diagram in

Appendix E. If a manual

offset is used, refer to the paragraph titled “

Manual Offset”.

3.8.10 Setting Up an Offset Schedule

The steps involved in setting up an automatic reset schedule consists first of selecting the

temperature offset and then entering the start and stop times for which the offset will be in

effect. Note that the ACS uses a 24-hour clock (00;00 to 23:59). The steps are outlined in

Instruction 3.8.1. In this example, the setpoint temperature is being offset -15°F on Sunday

from 12:01 AM (00:01) to 8:00 AM (08 hrs).