Kofax Communication Server 10.0.0 User Manual
Page 102

TCfW Communication Server Client
© Copyright Kofax. All information is subject to change without notice.
Cover Sheet: Defines the first page of a fax message and can be created automatically. Includes the header fields.
You create a cover sheet the same way you create any other message, except that you store it by selecting SAVE AS
from the MESSAGE menu, and then clicking the Save as Cover Sheet check box. Cover sheets normally consist of an
overlay and a text block. The text block contains merge values which are then substituted by their corresponding
header values during sending. To avoid a second page for short messages the text of a message can be incorporated
into the cover sheet.
CPU Key: The number of licenses acquired is governed by the CPU key. This key normally has an unlimited
expiration date. Upon request, CPU Keys valid until a specific date can be issued for test and demo installations.
CPU Number: Each TCOSS server has a unique CPU number used for licensing.
Delivery Notification: When users are informed that their outgoing messages have reached their receivers. Delivery
notifications can take several forms, such as a beeper beeping, a broadcast message appearing on a user's screen, or
the LED on the telephone blinking. A non-delivery notification informs a user that his/her message could not be sent
Delivery Type: Refers to the method of sending. TCfW delivery types include To, cc, bcc and Auth.
DID: Direct Inward Dialing. This features assigns users their own unique fax extensions, so faxes coming into a
company can go directly and automatically to their ultimate receivers' Inboxes.
Distribution: This command can be assigned to the Distributor to enable him/her to route messages, which have not
been addressed directly to specific receivers via DID, to their intended receivers. The Distributor clicks DISTR and
enters the intended receivers, and fills in the Subject and From fields. The Distributor cannot change the message
itself. The SEND button finalizes distribution.
Distribution List: A group of receivers. Can be used for mass mailings.
Distributor: A TCfW user with special rights and tasks, one of which is the distribution of incoming fax messages to
their ultimate receivers within a company or department. Distribution is only necessary when the users do not have
their own DID extensions.
Drop-Down List: A selection field which the user clicks to display choices for that field. Same as a pop-up list except
that the list appears below the selection field.
Event: Kofax Communication Server creates an event when an incoming message arrives (In event), when it sends a
message successfully (Delivery event), when it can't send a message (Non-delivery event), and when it has a sending
copy ready (Sending Copy event). Each event can be used several different ways. For example, an incoming message
can be printed out and cause a LAN Break message.
Fax Information System: (FIS) Folder containing frequently needed company literature. The FIS folder provides easy
storage and retrieval of such documents. These documents can be leaflets, forms, price lists and any other information
you would like to make widely available. The documents can be accessed via the TCfW client or remotely from any fax
machine. FIS documents can also be attached to any outgoing message originating from the TCfW client.
Field Description Line: The gray line above folder lists and below the Select Criteria line, briefly identifying each field
in the list.
File Manager: A Windows program designed to simplify the administration and maintenance of directories and files.
Folder: Used to file a group of messages logically. The user has one message folder on Kofax Communication Server
and can create many more in his/her PC environment.
FIS Folder: Holds all the information of the Fax Information System (FIS). It can be accessed by all authorized users
both locally and remotely. User access authorization to the FIS folder can be defined in user profiles.