KEYENCE N-400 User Manual
Page 67

Chapter 4 Multi-Drop Link Mode Control Procedure
Setting the Baud Rate of the BL Series
In order to increase the response speed of the BL-500/180 series when it is con-
nected in the multi-drop link mode through the N400, we recommend that the baud
rate for RS-485 communication between the BL-500/180 series and the N-400 be
set to 38400 bps.
The baud rate cannot be set through normal operations to between 19200 and
38400 bps with the BL series setup software included with the BL-500/180 series.
(The baud rate can be set to be in the above range using serial commands.)
However, the BL-500/180 series’ baud rate can be set between 19200 and 38400
bps by performing the following procedure. (The following procedure is not de-
scribed in the “BL-500/180 Series User’s Manual”.)
The following procedure refers to the BL-180 series setup software. The procedure
is exactly the same for the BL-500 series.
1. Display the “Communication Setup” screen with the BL series setup software.
2. Select either “7 bits” or “8 bits” for the “data length” parameter on the communi-
cation setup screen by clicking on the appropriate value. (The selected item is
enclosed in a dotted line box.)
3. Press the [@] key once.
4. After the above operation, select “baud rate”. Baud rates of 19200 to 38400 bps
are added to this parameter. Select the desired baud rate.
* Perform the above operation every time you start the setup software.