KEYENCE N-400 User Manual
Page 118

Chapter 6 PLC Link
Detailed description on device assignment
Specify the head address of the areas where the read data are stored. (Specify the
head address as binary data.)
Specify different head addresses for each ID number. (If the same address is
specified, all data is replaced with the last data when BL series units with different
ID numbers continuously read data.)
These areas are used to send the trigger input signal to the BL series to start
reading bar code data.
You can set these areas to “Used” or “Unused”, depending on the N400’s internal
setting. (
See p. 40.) If you set these areas to “Unused”, users can freely use the
When a photoelectric sensor for trigger input is connected to the BL series, do not
use these areas.
Specify these areas as follows:
• Start reading (Trigger ON): 0001
• End reading (Trigger OFF): 0000
Note: Specify these areas as “0000” while the BL series is not reading bar code
These areas are used as a flag that indicates if bar code data has been stored in
each area.
The flag areas can be used for the following two purposes:
+00 to +30
Data memory head address for each ID number
+31 to +61
Reading trigger area for each ID number
A +00 (A: Data memory head address specified as +00 to +30)
Data memory flag area