Chapter 6, Calibration, Pre-calibration procedures – Hardy HI 6500 Series User Manual
Page 119

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6 describes C2, eCAL and traditional calibration procedures. For the Weight
Processor to give precise readings, it must be routinely calibrated both during operation or
when it has not used for an extended period of time. It is important that users and service
personnel be familiar with the procedures in this chapter before installing or operating the
HI 6500 series instrument.
All calibration is done in the Gross mode. Be sure to follow all the procedures completely
to insure that the weights read by the unit are accurate.
In some incidents it is better to verify a calibration than just re-do the calibration. If during
the scale verification, it is found to be out of calibration, check for damage and a
mechanical problem. When all checks OK, then recalibrate. Perform a calibration and
perform a scale verification. No calibration process ensures the load cells are functioning
or installed correctly.
Always verify your scale after any calibration and maintenance routine.
Do not perform a calibration while an application is in operation.
Pre-Calibration Procedures
Verify that the load cells have been properly installed.
Refer to your load cell operations and installation manual for proper installation
On some sensors and cells an arrow indicates the direction of the applied load. If the
arrow is pointing in the wrong direction, change the position of the load cell so that it is
mounted in the direction of the applied load.
Check for binding on the Load Cell or other parts of the weighing system.
WARNING - Binding on a scale/vessel or load cell does not allow the load cell free
vertical movement and may prevent the instrument from returning to the original zero
reference point.
Lier sur une échelle / récipient ou cellule de charge ne
permet pas la cellule de charge libre circulation verticale et peut empêcher
l'appareil de revenir au point de référence zéro d'origine.