Hardy HI 1756-2WS User Manual
Hardy Tools

HI 1756-WS & HI 1756-2WS
Series A
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Web-Site: http://www.hardyinst.com
Hardy Instruments Document Number: 0596-0247-01 Rev K
Copyright November 2000 Hardy Instruments, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. (941028)
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- HI 1756-WS & HI 1756-2WS
- Series A
- Table of Contents
- Table of Illustrations
- CHAPTER 1 - Overview
- Chapter 2 - specifications
- Chapter 3 - installation
- chapter 4 - setup
- A Brief Description of Chapter 4
- Power Check
- Setting Up Communications Between the PLC and the HI 1756-WS (-2WS) Weigh Scale Module
- Configuration Parameters for the HI 1765-WS Module
- Parameters for the HI 1756-WS (-2WS) Module
- Commands
- Zero Command (ZEROCMD)
- Tare Command (TARECMD)
- Write Non-Volatile Command (WRITENONVOL ATILE)
- Reload Non- Volatile (RELOADNONVOL ATILE)
- Enable Calibration Button Command (ENABLEBUTTON CMD)
- Disable Calibration Button Command (DISABLEBUTTON CMD)
- Set Default Parameters (SETDEFAULTPAR AMS)
- Cal Low Command (CALLOWCMD)
- Cal High Command (CALHIGHCMD)
- C2 Cal Command (C2CALCMD)
- Read Weight Cal Command (READWEIGHTCAL)
- Perform Integrated Technician Tests (WEIGHSYSTEST)
- Search for C2 Load Sensors (C2SEARCH)
- Read C2 Sensor Serial Number (READC2SERIALN UM)
- Read Status of Module (GETSTATUS)
- Write Parameters (WRITEPARAM)
- Read Parameters (READPARAM)
- Read Live Weight (READLIVEWEIGHT)
- Command Table
- Output Table
- Error Code List
- Timed Out Commands
- Return Codes
- Calibration Setup Procedures
- chapter 5 - calibration
- A Brief Description of Chapter 5
- Pre-Calibration Procedures
- Electrical Check Procedures
- Load Cell/Point Input/Output Measurements
- b. The expected output from each load cell/point depends on the mV/V rating of the load cell/point and the weight. For example, a 2mV/V load cell/point will respond with a maximum of 10 mVDC at full system weight capacity, which includes the weight o...
- c. A zero reference point will vary from system to system depending on the “Dead Load” of the vessel. “Dead Load” is the weight of the vessel and appurtenances only, with no product loaded. In our example we will assume the dead load to be 50...
- Load Cell/Point Input/Output Measurements
- Load Check
- C2 Calibration
- Hard Calibration
- chapter 6 - operating procedures
- Index
- Glossary of terms