Rice Lake TransAct 5.0 - Installation & Operation Manual User Manual
Page 306

This is a drop down list of all trucks belonging to the selected hauler. If the hauler has no
trucks, this field is disabled. If this is the weigh-in side of the transaction and the selected
truck has a stored tare (empty weight), then you must specify the material direction:
incoming or outgoing. If incoming is selected, then the weight out is set to the tare. If
outgoing is selected, then weight in is set to the tare. The direction drop down list is
initially set to the default material direction.
You can choose to ignore the stored tare by selecting No Tare from the direction drop
down list.
If truck history is enabled then Bill-to Acct, Job and Material are set to the same values as
the last ticket attached to this truck.
This is the second tared vehicle type defined in the Account Options screen and in this
example contains all the trailers belonging to this hauler. If the trailer has a stored tare
then it will be combined with the truck tare. The stored tare of the trailer is ignored if the
truck has no stored tare or No Tare is selected.
Third Tared Vehicle
In this example, no third tared vehicle is defined in Account Options, therefore, no
control is present for that vehicle.
Select the bill-to (customer) account that will be attached to this ticket. This is the
account that will be invoiced for this ticket. Material, price table, tax code, category
codes and ticket format will be changed to reflect the default settings for the account.
Select the job that will be attached to this ticket. This drop down list contains all jobs or
only those jobs belonging to the current bill-to account. Bill-to account and PO are
automatically set to the job's bill-to and PO. Material is automatically set to the material
attached to the first job item.
Enter the PO number for the ticket.