Rice Lake TransAct 5.0 - Installation & Operation Manual User Manual

Page 156

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Value True, Value False, Boolean Value

At times you may need to export values based on a simple compare condition. If the
condition is true, export one value. If it is false, export another value.

For example, if the tax code stored with a transaction is "Exempt" then export one (1),
otherwise export zero (0). This conversion can be performed as follows:

Boolean Value

Enter the compare value. In this example "Exempt".

True Value

Enter the value you wish to export if the tax code
field equals "Exempt". In this example, one (1). The
value entered is not limited to one character.

False Value

Enter the value you wish to export if the tax code
field does not equal "Exempt", In this example, zero
(0). Again, the value entered is not limited to one

Format String

The data exported can be formatted using standard Visual Basic format strings.


Fixed width fields can be justified left or right.

Quote/Delimit String

The general formatting options allow for quotes around numeric fields, character fields,
all fields or no fields. You may run into a case where the import/export text file does not
follow these general rules and requires that specific fields be enclosed in quotes. Enter
the letter Q to enclose the currently selected field in quotes. Enter N if not enclose in

The general formatting options allow for fields to be either tab or comma delimited. You
may run into a case where a special character other than tab and comma is being used for
a field delimiter. Enter the decimal value for the special delimiter character in angle
brackets (<>). For example, if the currently selected field is delimited by the pipe
character (|), then enter <124>.

The quote and delimiter values are combined into one field, both being optional.
Following are a few examples:


Encloses field in quotes (").