Rice Lake TransAct 5.0 - Installation & Operation Manual User Manual

Page 181

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Disable Serial Mouse Detection on COM Ports 

During system boot up, Windows NT, 2000, and XP will detect the serial data steam on
the serial communication port. Windows will attempt to auto configure the port as a
Serial Mouse. When this happens, Error Code 68: Device Unavailable will be displayed
when the Weigh button is clicked. Disable Serial Mouse detection to resolve this issue.

Disable through Windows XP Control Panel

Select the following to disable serial mouse detection for Windows XP operating

1. Quit Transact.

2. Click the Start button

3. Select Control Panel.

4. Double click the System icon

5. Click the Hardware tab

6. Click the Device Manager button


Click the plus (+) to the left of the Mice and other pointing devices to expand the

8. Double click the Microsoft Serial Ball Point device from the list

9. Select Disable from the Device Usage drop down list

10. Click OK

11. Close all open windows and Reboot the computer

Using BOOT.INI Startup Switches to disable serial mouse detection

Windows NT, 2000 and XP use a configuration file called BOOT.INI to control how the
operating system is booted. By modifying the startup switches you can manage the boot
process including disabling mouse detection on a COM port for scale indicator usage.

Follow these steps

1. Quit Transact.

2. Disconnect the scale indicator from the COM port.

3. Click Start | Run.

4. Type the word COMMAND and press ENTER.

5. Type CD\ and press enter to move to the boot partition, C:\.

6. Type attrib boot.ini -r -s -h