Rice Lake TransAct 5.0 - Installation & Operation Manual User Manual
Page 198

Ticket File Control Codes for Okidata 320/321/320 Turbo
Use control codes in the ticket format file to configure form length, font size, set a
vertical tab, and send form feed commands. The IBM Proprinter commands are used
since it is the factory default setting for the printer.
The following example shows the first and last line of an Okidata formatted ticket file.
H \\24\\ \\27 51 36\\ \\27 67 33\\ \\18\\
F \\12\\
Codes for the above stand for:
\\27 51 36\\
Select for vertical spacing 6 lines per inch (36/216 = 1/6)
\\27 67 33\\
Set form length to 33 lines (5.5" form length)
Select 10 cpi (characters per inch)
Form Feed
WARNING: There is a discrepancy in the Okidata User’s Guide for setting line spacing
for n/216" command. The Okidata ML 320 Turbo User’s Guide lists this command as
\\27 65\\. The reason why the \\27 65 X\\ command is not recommended is that it appears
to only be supported for the 320 Turbo and if used, the \\27 50\\ command must be issued
right after it to cause the \\27 65 X\\ command to take effect. It is recommended that the
\\27 51 X\\ or the \\27 48\\ command be used to set line spacing, since it takes effect
To set the position of a vertical tab use command \\27 66 nn 00\\ where nn is the line
number. Place the command on the first ticket line after the \\18\\ command like the
H \\24\\ \\27 51 36\\ \\27 67 33\\ \\18\\ \\27 66 27 00\\
To execute the vertical tab use command \\11\\ in the ticket format file. Typically the
vertical tab command is issued on the first Footer line after the last Body line. The
vertical tab command is useful when placing a signature line at the bottom of a multiple
item ticket.
Oki IBM Proprinter Commands