Rice Lake TransAct 5.0 - Installation & Operation Manual User Manual

Page 162

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The Import/Export Utility can be invoked from a command line. As an example, the
following command line will start Import/Export and execute routines Import001,
Import002 and Import003:

ImpExp.exe Autogo Import001 Import002 Import003

There may be situations where if Import001 fails, then the remaining imports should not
be attempted. Check this box to force this condition. This option applies to import
routines only.

Force unimported fields to default values

Errors will occur when an imported field has no data (blank or empty) in the text file and
the database requires a value. Check this box to force the value of required fields to the
default specified in the database when no data is present in the import text file.

Archive this Export

This feature is currently not being used.

Append to Existing File

Normally, a new text file is created by each export routine. Check this box to append data
to an existing text file.

Email Export

When checked, the export file will be emailed as an attachment to the recipients specified
in the box below.

Recipient Address

Enter the email address of all recipients of the export file. Multiple addresses can be
entered, separated by commas. For example: [email protected],
[email protected]

Sender Address

Enter your email address.