Rice Lake TransAct 5.0 - Installation & Operation Manual User Manual

Page 231

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Ticket Format Files 

A ticket format file is used as a template for generating transaction tickets. The format
file can be generated with any text editor (such as NotePad or Write) and can be assigned
any operating system Windows compatible name (file names must be 8 characters or
less). All ticket files must be placed in the same directory Transact was installed (usually
C:\Program Files\AWS\Transact).

A system default ticket can be selected from the ticket drop down list in the Weigh
Options Ticket screen. Unless otherwise specified, all transaction tickets will print using
the default ticket type. Multiple ticket formats can be created and assigned to individual
accounts. The ticket type selected for an account will override the system default ticket.

A different ticket can be selected for a single transaction. Select the ticket format file
from the ticket drop-down list that appears in the left corner of the Weigh screen prior to
clicking the Print ticket button.

Set up a ticket printer with the Ticket Printer Port screen.

General Ticket Types (.GTK)
Other Ticket Types (Unattended and Incoming)
Ticket Creation Rules
Database Keyword Fields and Flags for Tickets