Rice Lake TransAct 5.0 - Installation & Operation Manual User Manual

Page 229

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Ticket Creation Rules 

When creating a ticket, five types of fields can be used: static text, database, flags, printer
commands, and column positioning. Multiple item tickets can be designed by specifying
Header, Body, and Footer lines.

Header/Body/Footer Line Designators

To accommodate multiple item transactions, the ticket is split into three sections: header,
body and footer. Header lines are printed once before the first transaction item. Body
lines are printed once per transaction item. Footer lines are printed once after the last
transaction item. The letter ‘H’ in the first character position of the format line designates
header lines. The letter ‘B in the first character position of the format line designates
body lines. The letter ‘F’ in the first character position of the format line designates
footer lines. Each line designator letter must be followed by a space. Any format line
without a section identifier is considered a header line.

Static Text

Static text fields are contained in double quotes (") and can contain any desired text
characters. The exact characters enclosed in quotes will appear on the ticket. Following
are some examples:

"My Grain Elevator"
" Gross: "
" Tare: "
" Net: "

Database fields are stored in the Transact database. A database field is placed on a ticket
by enclosing the ticket keywords in square brackets ([]). Below is an example of how
static text and database fields can be used together on a ticket. The example below will
print ticket number, weight in, date in, weight out, date out and net weight on the ticket.

"Ticket Number: " [Ticket Number]
"Gross: " [Weight In] " " [Date In]
"Tare: " [Weight Out] " " [Date Out]
"Net: " [Net Weight]

Flag Fields

Certain conditions that occur during a transaction will set a flag in the database. When the
flag has been set, static text can be printed on the ticket to indicate the condition has