Rice Lake TransAct 5.0 - Installation & Operation Manual User Manual
Page 155

This is a drop down containing a list of all tables in the database. It is initially set to the
default table specified in the Field Editor Main screen. However, you are not limited to
exporting fields from the default table only. Fields from any table related to the default
table can also be exported.
For example, you may wish to include the account name in a transaction table export.
Account name is not in the Transaction table but needs to be retrieved from the Account
table. Select Account table from this list which will then enable you to include any
account field in the export.
Field List
This list contains the fields that are currently being imported or exported. Selecting any
row will enable a drop down containing all fields for the selected table (Fields From). To
add a new field to the list, select the row marked with an asterisk (*) and choose a field.
Up Button
Click this button to move the currently selected field one position up in the list.
Down Button
Click this button to move the currently selected field on position down in the list.
Delete Button
Click this button to delete the currently selected field from the list.
Table / Field
These controls display the table and field name for the currently selected field in the list.
Fixed Width
Enter a field width. Data in the import/export text file will always occupy this many
Simple calculations can be performed on the field before it is imported or exported. The
calculation consists of an operator followed by a constant. Valid operators are decrement
(--), multiplication (*) and division (/).
For example, all weights in the Transaction table are stored in pounds. To convert the
weight to tons before exporting, enter "/2000" in the calculation field.