tekmar 284 Boiler Control User Manual
Installation & operation manual, D 284, Boiler control 284

Boiler Control 284
D 284
Replaces: 04/14
Installation & Operation Manual
© 2014
284_D - 08/14
1 of 60
A Watts Water Technologies Company
A Flexible Solution for Commercial & Multi-Residential Heating Plants
The Boiler Control 284 is designed to operate up to four
boilers to accurately maintain a target water temperature.
The 284 operates both condensing & non-condensing boilers
that are either modulating, single stage or two stage to
provide a flexible, cost effective mixed boiler plant solution
with better system performance.
The target water temperature is based on outdoor temperature
reset or a fixed setpoint for space or process heating
applications. Additional loads supplied by the 284 include
domestic hot water & fixed setpoint heating. Boiler equal
run-time rotation, stand-by primary pump operation & pump
exercising all increase boiler plant reliability.
The 284 communicates with a Building Automation System
(BAS) using BACnet
IP or Modbus
for remote monitoring
& adjustment capability. tekmarNet
Thermostats or a tN4
Gateway 483 can be added to optimize system performance
& provide remote monitoring capability.
BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE.
ASHRAE does not endorse, approve or test products
for compliance with ASHRAE standards. Compliance of
listed products to the requirements of ASHRAE Standard
135 is the responsibility of BACnet International (BI).
BTL is a registered trademark of BI.
Outdoor temperature reset
Programmable schedules
Control up to four boilers
Condensing & non-condensing boiler groups
Modulating, single stage or two stage
Boiler isolation valves
IP or Modbus
Primary pump sequencing
DHW priority
Setpoint operation
Combustion air damper control
Energy, flow & pressure monitoring
Benefi ts
Reduce energy costs
Prolong equipment life
Provide boiler redundancy
Provide primary pump redundancy
Remote monitoring & adjustment options
Combine mid & high efficiency boilers to lower
component cost