2 level, 5 units tab, Units tab6.5 units tab – Banner PresencePLUS P4 Series User Manual
Page 85
Strobe Width Option
The strobe output never becomes active (light off).
The strobe output remains active (light on).
The strobe output is active only while the sensor is
acquiring an image. This is the default.
Exposure Duration
Sets the duration for active strobe output from the
initial valid trigger (minimum pulse width has been
Time Duration
satisfied) to the end of the duration. The range is from
0 to 4,000 ms.
6.4.2 Level
• Active Low -- When given a 0V dc signal, it turns on. This is the default.
• Active High -- When given a +5V dc signal, it turns on.
6.5 Units Tab
Use the Units tab to scale pixels to Engineering units (inches, millimeters, centimeters, etc.) as shown in Units
tab shown below. To scale pixels, folow the instruction
Units Tab
Banner Engineering Corp. - Minneapolis, MN USA - www.bannerengineering.com
Tel: 763.544.3164
P/N 000000
System Setup Window Overview
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