Frame tag numbers, Command processing – Banner PresencePLUS P4 Series User Manual
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• -306 – Requested comm tool is not configured for RCC
• -307 - Tool executed with an error or did not execute
• -308 - Specified tool operand is not a constant, and cannot be modified
• Reset command error codes
• -401 – Reset command attempted in the middle of the inspection
• -402 – Reset command attempted in the middle of the product change
• -500 – RCC commands are not accepted because the sensor is in the Playback mode
• Timeout error codes
• -600 – Product change timeout occurred
• -601 – Trigger timeout occurred
• -700 – Specified value is out of range
• -701 – Set Gain command attempted when the GUI is connected and the inspection is not executing
• -702 – Set Exposure command attempted when the GUI is connected and the inspection is not
• -800 – Product Change, Trigger or Get Commtool command attempted when either Product Change
or Trigger Command timeout occurred, but the operation has not yet completed.
Frame Tag Numbers
RCC provides user with a debug facility that allows users to correlate command completion with current frame
numbers. This facility is enabled by issuing a SET FRAMETAG ENABLE command. This command will cause
RCC to send the current frame number as the command acceptance code. This will allow users to track when
each command was issued, and which frame it applies to.
For EXEC TRIGGER command, returned number will be the frame number at the completion of the inspection
For EXEC TRIGGER command, returned number will be the frame number at the completion of the inspection
For all other commands, the returned number is the current frame number.
Command Processing
RCC commands are interpreted in the context of the running PPVS system. Due to the constantly changing
system state caused either by external action or by previous RCC commands, certain rules are imposed on
RCC command acceptance and processing. Please note that command acceptance does not constitute
successful completion of the command.
1. EXEC TRIGGER command can be successfully accepted under the following conditions:
• Inspection is Executing and is Ready
2. EXEC PRODCHANGE command can be successfully accepted under the following conditions:
• Sensor is idle (inspection is not loaded), and the GUI is not connected
• Inspection is Executing and is Ready
• Sensor was previously product changed to an invalid slot
3. EXEC RESET command can be successfully accepted under the following conditions:
• Sensor is idle (inspection is not loaded)
P/N 000000
Banner Engineering Corp. - Minneapolis, MN USA -
Tel: 763.544.3164
System Setup Window Overview