Banner PresencePLUS P4 EDGE 1.3 Series User Manual

Page 76

background image

CALL tcp_open(.ret_val, 20000)
IF .ret_val < 0 THEN
PRINT "Unable to connect to RCC"

; Trigger the camera and wait for the inspection to complete

; Send Trigger to camera and wait for the inspection to complete
.$cmd_str = "EXEC TRIGGER"+$cmd_del
CALL tcp_send(.ret_val, .$cmd_str)
IF .ret_val < 0 GOTO tcp_error

; Read command response from camera
.$rcv_str = ""
CALL tcp_recv(.ret_val, .$rcv_str)
IF .ret_val < 0 GOTO tcp_error

; Decode command response - a response of zero indicates that
; the command was accepted for processing, a negative value
; indicates that an error has occurred.
.$rsp_str = $DECODE(.$rcv_str, $cmd_del, 0)
.ret_val = VAL(.$rsp_str)
IF .ret_val < 0 GOTO cmd_error ; Trigger failed

; Determine whether the inspection passed or failed

; Send command to camera to determine if the inspection passed
; the inspection and found the desired part
.$cmd_str = "GET PASSFAILFLG"+$cmd_del
CALL tcp_send(.ret_val,.$cmd_str)
IF .ret_val < 0 GOTO tcp_error

; Read command response from camera
.$rcv_str = ""
CALL tcp_recv(.ret_val, .$rcv_str)
IF .ret_val < 0 GOTO tcp_error ; Get command failed

; Decode command response
.$rsp_str = $DECODE(.$rcv_str, $cmd_del, 0)
.ret_val = VAL(.$rsp_str)
IF .ret_val < 0 GOTO cmd_error ; Get Pass/Fail failed
$temp = $DECODE(.$rcv_str, $cmd_del, 1) ; Remove frame delimiter

; Decode the Pass/Fail status data returned by the Get command
.$rsp_str = $DECODE(.$rcv_str, $coord_del, 0)
.passfail = VAL(.$rsp_str)
IF .passfail <> 1 GOTO notfnd_error

P/N 000000

Banner Engineering Corp. - Minneapolis, MN USA -

Tel: 763.544.3164



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