A.3 about the instruction palettes – Rockwell Automation AutoMax Enhanced Ladder Editor User Manual
Page 71

About the Instruction Palettes
You access an instruction palette by pointing and clicking on a Ladder
Language toolbar button. Once the instruction palette is displayed, you drag
instructions from it and insert them into a program. Instructions that perform
similar operations are grouped together on a palette. For example, all relay
instructions are grouped together on the relay palette.
If you frequently use instructions from a particular palette, you can choose to
keep it open. You can then just choose an instruction and drag it into your
program without having to click on the ladder toolbar palette. You can move
opened palettes into the program area where it becomes a floating palette or
anchor them along any screen area's edge.
The available palettes are:
D Normally Open Contact (NOI)
D Always False Contact (AFI)
D Normally Closed Contact (NCI)
D Coil (CO)
D Positive Transition Contact (PTI)
D Set (Latch) Coil (SCO)
D Negative Transition Contact (NTI)
D Reset (Unlatch) Coil (RCO)
D Always True Contact (ATI)
D Timer On Delay (TON)
D Retentive Timer On (RTO)
D Timer Off Delay (TOF)
D Count Up Down (CTUD)
D Timer Pulse (TP)
D Shift Left (SL)
D Circular Rotate Bits Right (ROR)
D Shift Right (SR)
D Move Bits Between Integers and
D bl I
D Circular Rotate Bits Left (ROL)
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s e ee
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Double Integers (MVB)
D Circular Rotate Bits Left on
Transition (RL)
D Move Source Data to Destination
D Circular Rotate Bits Right on
Transition (RR)
D Masked Move (MVM)
D Equal To (EQ)
D Less Than (LT)
D Greater Than Or Equal To (GE)
D Limit (LIMIT)
D Greater Than (GT)
D Mask Compare (MSK)
D Less Than Or Equal To (LE)
D Not Equal To (NE)