Rockwell Automation AutoMax Enhanced Ladder Editor User Manual

Page 57

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All pending changes are removed from the program. If the program

was in Test Mode, it is removed from this mode.


About How Changes Made to Online

Programs Are Verified

Once you commit any online changes after accepting the rungs, the

Editor verifies the changes before they are downloaded to the

Processor. The changes are verified using the same rules that are

used for offline programs. All accepted online changes must be

successfully verified before they are installed into a Processor.
When online program changes are verified, the Editor ignores

warnings and does not check against the Variable Configurator

The Editor generates a log file only if you have selected the

Generate Log File verify option. For more information, see Creating

a Verify Error Log File," section 4.1.
If the program is not successfully verified, you must correct the

errors, reĆaccept the rungs, and commit the changes or enter test

mode. The Editor also notifies you when either of the following

events occur:

If this event occurs:

Do the following:

a global variable has been

defined in the program that

is not in the online


Step 1.

Reject the changes containĆ

ing the global variable(s).

Step 2.

Commit any other changes.

Step 3.

Go offline and add the new

global variable(s) to the

Variable Configurator dataĆ


Step 4.

Load the configuration.

Step 5.

Monitor the ladder program

again and add the logic

with the global variables.

Step 6.

Accept and commit the


the amount of memory for

the accepted online

changes exceeds the

amount of memory

reserved for online


Increase the amount of memory

allotted for online modifications. See

Specifying the Amount of Memory

Reserved for Editing a Program

Online" in Appendix D.

the online changes exceed

the allowed number of

variables, timers, counters,

or labels

Edit the program to correct the

limitation errors and reĆaccept the

program. See Specifying the Amount

of Memory Reserved for Editing a

Program Online" in Appendix D.

You can use the Verify command to check your online changes

before you accept them.