Preface – Rockwell Automation AutoMax Enhanced Ladder Editor User Manual

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AutoMax Ladder Editor Feature Overview
The AutoMax Ladder Editor ships as part of the AutoMax

Programming Executive. It can be run from within the Executive or

as a standĆalone application for offline programming only. The Editor

provides these features to help you create your ladder programs:
More easily view and work with rungs in the same program or in

different programs.
Because the Editor is based on Microsoft Windows 95

, you can:

D Use familiar menu commands and toolbar icons for typical

Windows features like restore, maximize, open, save, cut, copy,

and more

D Display multiple rungs at the same time
D Display rungs from different parts of the program at the same


D Display rungs from more than one program at the same time
D Use popĆup menus to access frequently used commands
More easily edit ladder programs.
Because of the dragĆandĆdrop functionality and property sheets for

each program element you can:
D Cut, copy, paste individual instructions and rungs or groups of

instructions and rungs

D Move rungs by selecting them and dragging them with the


D Create a workĆinĆprogress program" by building rungs without

variable names or coils when you end an editing session

D Insert instructions and branches, or change an instruction type or

variable name without any reĆtyping

D Reduce the amount of typing by importing the variable

descriptions for global variables from the Variable Configurator.

Also, while entering variable names, you can choose from a list of

smartĆmatched names

D Insert new rungs without renumbering existing rungs
D Add rung descriptions which become part of the rung
Create programs using an enhanced set of ladder instructions.
The AutoMax Ladder language has been enhanced to include

support for:
D An expanded instruction set based on the IECĆ1131Ć3 standard
D Variable names of up to 16 characters
D Multiple coils per rung
D More instructions per rung and more parallel branches
D Easier access to bits within integers and arrays, for example:

INPUT_VAR.31 or array_var[index].bit_num