Laser scan angle, Laser idle mode, Laser scan angle laser idle mode – Wasp Barcode WLS9600 Product Reference Guide User Manual
Page 238: Aser, Ngle, Default
Laser Scan Angle
This feature sets the scan angle for the laser. The Narrow scan angle is helpful for selecting and
reading a specific barcode among a tight grouping of labels.
Laser Scan Angle = Normal (47 degrees)
Laser Scan Angle = Narrow (35 degrees)
Laser Idle Mode
Laser Idle Mode option is applicable for; trigger Single, Trigger Hold Multiple & Trigger Pulse
Multiple only.
This configuration provides control over the laser scanning motor when the laser is not actively
scanning. The options are:
Dither Disable .
Shuts down the motor (laser mirror dithering) during laser engine idle time to
reduce overall scanner power consumption.
Dither Enable.
Allows the laser engine motor to continue dithering when laser is not active;
may provide an improved read response time.
Dither Disable
Dither Enable