Commissioning – Lenze 931E/K Small Drives Control User Manual
Page 28

Speed control
Setpoint selection via setpoint selectors
SW−HB 13.0002−EN 4.1
Setpoint selection via the analog input
The 931E/K servo positioning controller is equipped with two analog inputs with an input
voltage range of
± 10 V and a resolution of 12 bits. The inputs can be used to enter speed
and torque setpoints.
Select Parameters
W I/Os W Analog inputs or click the "..." button when the analog input
is activated in the setpoint selector menu to open the following menu:
Here you can select a "conversion factor" between the input voltage and the Torque or
Speed setpoint.
In the Offset field, you can select a voltage that will be automatically added to the voltage
measured at the analog input. This function may, for instance, be used to compensate for
the offset on the analog control voltage of a control and the offset of the analog input in
the controller. This solves the problem of a very low setpoint still being generated with an
external voltage selection of 0 V.
As another option, you can select positive and negative setpoints with an input voltage of
0 ... 10 V.
The function Safe Zero will limit the detected setpoint to zero, if it is within the voltage
specified in this field. This ensures that the drive will not move or slowly drift away (see the
following figure) with an analog setpoint selection of 0 V.