12 user-defined display unit settings, 12 user−defined display unit settings – Lenze 931E/K Small Drives Control User Manual
Page 152

Parameterisation of outside motors
User−defined display unit settings
SW−HB 13.0002−EN 4.1
User−defined display unit settings
Go to the Display mode field and activate User−defined to adapt the display units to your
Display units
All user−defined units are displayed with [...].
Use the Translatory application, Feed constant field to enter the scaling in user−defined
units per revolution.
You have a drive with 1.76 inch per revolution, without gearbox and want to enter the
position in inch. Enter 1.76 under Feed constant.
Furthermore, you can use the Time base speed and Time base acceleration input fields.
Use the Time base speed field to define your own speed units.
Example: (rotary operation)
You have a drive with 20 mm per revolution, without gearbox and want to enter the speed
in mm/minute. Enter 20 under Feed constant and 60 under Time base speed
(60 seconds = 1 minute).
Use the Time base acceleration field to define your own acceleration units.
You have a drive with 20 mm per revolution, without gearbox and want to enter the
acceleration in (mm/minute)/sec. Enter 20 under Feed constant and 60 under Time base
speed (1 minute x 1 sec = 60 x 1 sec
= 60 sec