3 analog inputs, Analog inputs, Chapter 5.1.3 "analog inputs – JUMO 709061 TYA 201 - Single-Phase Power Controller Operating Manual User Manual
Page 60: 5 configuration
5 Configuration
2012-12-01/00561071 [SCR Power Controller TYA201]
Analog inputs
The power controller has a voltage and a current input.
These inputs (default setpoint value) specify the output to be provided by the
power controller at the load output.
In most cases, this signal is sent as a standard signal from an electronic con-
troller or PLC and is adjusted with these settings.
Analog input inverting:
If, for example, the current measuring range start is set to 20 mA and the current measuring range en
to 0 mA, the power controller is switched off at 20 mA and switched on at 0 mA.
Current measuring
0 to 20 mA
This setting specifies which current standard signal is con-
v Chapter 3.3 "Connection diagram"
4 to 20 mA
Current measuring
range, start
0 to 20 mA
Note: This parameter only appears if "Customer specific" is
set for the current measuring range (see above)!
Current measuring
range, end
0 to 20 mA
Note: This parameter only appears if "Customer specific" is
set for the current measuring range (see above)!
Voltage measuring
0 to 10 V
This setting specifies which voltage standard signal is con-
v Chapter 3.3 "Connection diagram"
2 to 10 V
0 to 5 V
1 to 5 V
Voltage measuring
range, start
0 to 10 V
Note: This parameter only appears if "Customer specific" is
set for the voltage measuring range (see above)!
Voltage measuring
range, end
0 to 10 V
Note: This parameter only appears if "Customer specific" is
set for the voltage measuring range (see above)!
/ bold = factory setting