2 use – 2N Lift8 v1.5.2 User Manual
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6.2 Use
application updates a lift database where all the lift check and
2N Lift8 Server
alarm calls are recorded. The database also includes a list of authorised users, which,
depending on their user roles, can connect to the server, change configuration settings
and/or process incoming alarm calls via the
2N Lift8 Control Panel
2N Lift8
integrates a SIP station which can be assigned up to 8
2N Lift8 Server
independent accounts and process up to 32 parallel calls. A proprietary protocol
communicating on TCP/UDP port 7008 is used for the server – application
communication. Port 7008 is set by default during installation and can be changed. The
also includes a storage manager, which helps you map a storage of
Lift8 Server
any size for building plans and firmware for central unit upgrades. The application also
keeps a database of and evaluates check calls. The lift that fails to meet the set limits
will be marked in the database. Refer to Section 7,
, for
2N Lift8
Control Panel
setting details.
The terminal application l8_config.exe is used for server administration and launched in
the command row that controls the
. Use this program to set all the
2N Lift8 Server
server parameters, stop/start the server and export/import the server database.
If l8_config.exe is launched without any parameter, the program will write out all
available information on the server as follows:
Important! A default user with administrator login is created during the
installation to get connected to the server and
2N Lift8 Server
configure the other users. The default user uses the following login data:
Name: Admin
Password: 2n
The default listening port of the server is
Database export/import can only be executed securely using this
Copying of database files 'config.db' between the servers is not
recommended as data may get lost during this operation.
The application is launched in the command row. The common path to the
program in all WINDOWS XP, Vista and 7 versions is as follows: