Logs – advanced settings – 2N Lift8 v1.5.2 User Manual

Page 109

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Logs – Advanced Settings

The advanced log settings are located in a hideable form to the right. Levels is the first
table of the menu, which displays all the log levels. Use the checkbox next to the level
name to enable/disable displaying of the log in the list. Log background colour setting
is the next section. Select Use specific colours to enable/disable user background
colour setting for the log groups included below. The change will be executed
immediately after selection. Use Time filter to find the required logs without going
through the whole log file: just enter the log start/end date/time. Use the checkbox at
Use time filter to activate filtering. Moreover, you can choose the date/time
arrangement: either use the default system date/time arrangement or set a format of
your own (keeping all the required data: dd.MM.yyyy Use Fonts and
text to adjust the font size. Auto refresh is the last item of the advanced settings: set
Refresh rate in seconds and select Auto scroll to view the last (most recent) log row all
the time.


Advanced Settings Menu

The last two buttons help you load and save your configuration onto your PC disk for
later use.