Diagnostic corrective actions -156 – JLG 450A_AJ Series II Service Manual User Manual

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– JLG Lift –


Diagnostic Calibration Configuration and
Corrective Actions

Each fault within the DGC is capable of being uniquely
configured in the engines diagnostic calibration to cause
one or more corrective actions while a given fault is active.

Table 2 identifies configuration options and corrective
actions available for configuration of each fault.

The desired action is set by OEM calibration engineers.

Table 3-18. Diagnostic Corrective Actions




Enables the fault for fault detection


Cause an engine shutdown when fault becomes active

Never Forget

Retain fault as historic/previously active until cleared by a technician and does not allow historic fault to be “auto-cleared”

Turn on MIL

Turn on MIL output when fault becomes active

CL Disable

Disable closed-loop while the fault is active

CL Disable Key- Cyc

Disable closed-loop while the fault is active and for the remainder of the key cycle

AL Disable

Disable adaptive learn while the fault is active

AL Disable Key-Cyc

Disable adaptive learn while the fault is active and for the remainder of the key cycle

Power Derate 1

Limit TPS to the Power Derate 1 percent set in the diagnostic calibration while the fault is active. The Power Derate 1 TPS
percent should be set higher than Power Derate 2 as Power Derate 2 adds a higher level of protection.

Power Derate 2

Limit TPS to the Power Derate 2 percent set in the diagnostic calibration while the fault is active. If the calibration is set to
“Latched for Key-Cycle” Power Derate 2 remains active until engine speed and FPP conditions are satisfied. The Power
Derate 2 TPS percent should be set lower than Power Derate 1 as Power Derate 2 adds a higher level of protection.

Low Rev Limit

Limit RPM to the Low Rev Limit speed set in the diagnostic calibration while the fault is active. If the calibration is set to
“Latched for Key-Cycle” Low Rev Limit remains active until engine speed and FPP conditions are satisfied.

Forced Idle

Limit RPM to the Forced Idle speed set in the diagnostic calibration while the fault is active and for the remainder of the key

Soft Warning

Turn on the soft warning output when the fault becomes active

Hard Warning

Turn on the hard warning output when the fault becomes active

Stopped Check

Run fault detection/checking while the engine is in a key-on, engine-off condition. NOTE: It is recommended that this fea-
ture only be used for general sensor faults (high/low voltage) and some output drivers