JLG 450A_AJ Series II Service Manual User Manual
Page 129

– JLG Lift –
2. Remove thrust bearing (15) and thrust washer (14).
Inspect for wear, brinelling, corrosion and a full com-
plement of retained rollers.
3. Remove seal (16) and back up ring (17) from hous-
ing (18) and backup washer (25). Discard both.
4. Remove housing (18) from vise. Invert housing and
remove seal (20) with a blind hole bearing or seal
puller. Discard seal.
5. Inspect housing (18) assembly for cracks, machined
surfaces for nicks, burrs, brinelling, or corrosion.
Remove burrs that can be removed without chang-
ing dimensional characteristics. Inspect tapped
holes for thread damage. If housing is defective in
these areas, discard housing assembly.
6. If housing (18) assembly has passed inspection to
this point, inspect housing bearings/bushings (19)
and (13) if they are captured in housing cavity. Two
thrust washers (14) and thrust bearing (15) bearing
rollers must be firmly retained in bearing cages, but
must rotate and orbit freely. All rollers and thrust
washers must be free of brinelling and corrosion.
Bushing (19) or (13) to coupling shaft diameter clear-
ance must not exceed 0.010 inch (0.025 mm). A bear-
ing, bushing, or thrust washer that does not pass
inspection must be replaced. If housing has passed
this inspection, disassembly of motor is complete.