Apple Final Cut Server 1.5 User Manual
Page 90

• Macintosh edit-in-place URI: Enter the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for editing media
from a Macintosh client directly on the device, instead of downloading and editing it
on the client. The device must also be accessible as a mounted file system from the
client. The format is:
• file:///Volumes/volumename/optionalsubfolder/
After you enter the URI, the path will be changed to:
• file://[localhost]/[volumename]/[optional subfolder]
An example is:
• file:///Volumes/MediaServer/Images/
After entering the example above, you will see:
• file://localhost/Volumes/MediaServer/Images
Note: See
for more information about edit-in-place devices.
• Windows edit-in-place URI: Enter the URI for editing media from a Windows client directly
on the device, instead of downloading and editing it on the client. The device must
also be accessible as a network share from the client. The format is:
• file:////hostname/path/
An example is:
• file:////MediaServer/Images/
• Analyze Mode: Analysis creates different proxies for still and clip files. Choose an option
from the pop-up menu to determine how Final Cut Server handles files that are not
known to be still images or movie clips; for example, files missing extensions.
• [None]: Do not analyze files or create proxies for files with missing or unknown file
extensions. Guess the file type by its extension (default).
• Assume Stills: Assume files with missing or unknown file extensions are still images.
• Ignore: Do not analyze files or create proxies for files with missing or unknown file
extensions. Guess the file type by the file’s extension.
• Archive Device: Select this checkbox to add this device to the list of archive locations
a user can choose from.
When archiving individual primary representations, archive scripts are
passed the asset file location as its only argument. For image sequences, archive scripts
are passed arguments in this order: 1. path to container directory of sequence, 2.
filename prefix, 3. filename suffix, 4. filename extension, 5. number of digits in digits
string, 6. first frame number, 7. last frame number.
• Post-archive Command: This only applies if Archive Device is selected. Enter the path
and name of the script or other executable file that should run after an asset is archived.
This can enable integration with other external archiving systems. The script is given
the complete path to the file as its first argument on the command line.
Chapter 5
Managing Devices