Apple Power Macintosh 7300 series - PC Compatibility Card User Manual

Page 45

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Once a drive container is created, its size cannot be changed.

Before choosing a size for your drive container, decide which PC operating
system and applications you want to run. Check the documentation that came
with the software to estimate how much space you’ll need; then allow some
extra room for applications. If you still run out of space on the drive
container, you can create another drive container and assign it to
another drive.


To format the drive container with a single partition, make sure the Initialize Drive File

box is checked.

When this box is checked, PC Setup will initialize the container for you.


Click Create.

The time that it takes to create a drive container depends on the size of
the container.

Creating a multiple partition/bootable drive container


Apple does not recommend the use of multiple partition/non-

bootable drive containers with the PC Compatibility Card.

To create a multiple partition/bootable drive container for drive C or D, follow
these steps:


In the Mac OS, open the PC Setup control panel.


If the PC is running, click Shut Down PC.


Setting Up the PC Environment

This manual is related to the following products: